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     Carrie(2013 Movies Details


Kimberly Peirce

Movies Release Country : United States
Release date : oct 18, 2013
Halloween Objects : Halloween Ghosts
Characters : chloe grace moretz ,Judy greer,Portia doubled
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Carrie is little girl, she is having a superpower of telekinesis, while showering after the gym class at school, she experience her first menstrual period and other friends ridicule her and the boys capture the event and upload it on youtube. Her gym teacher send her to home. carrie mother Margaret tell her avoid closing with others she refuse it so Margaret locks her in dark room when carrie screamed the door is cracks and the cross symbol of jesus begin to bleed and then carrie learned at her superpower and then she met sue she said her boyfriend to ask sorry to carrie. carrie also accepted Toomy invitation .she buy a red velvet cloth to make dress and she tell about the invite to her mother but Margaret refuse it so carrie lock her mother with her power telekinesis Margaret thought that this power came from devil. Chris, her boyfriend Billy Nolan, and his friends plan revenge on Carrie. So they kill a pig and drained blood in the bucket Chris dumped the bucket to carrie and Toomy carrie decide to take revenge using her super natural power Margaret tells her story to carrie and Margaret attacks carrie with sharp tools carrie used supernatural power saying rain stone in houses while sue enters carrie know that sue is pregnant she pushes a sue out of house and finally carrie is died.

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